No one rings the door bell

The house is clean, fragrant,
the refrigerator is full,
the snack jar overflows with nuts,
three single malt whiskeys in the kitchen shelf,
fresh farm fruits in the basket.

The day and night, I prepare food,
And feed me watching videos.
Other than online order delivery boys,
No one rings the doorbell.

The Second Sunrise

As soon as you wake up, a message on the phone screen flashes, “How was the weekend?”. In a minute, you recollect, the vibrant scenes of the weekend, and once again experience the two days while still yawning with half eye closed. The question brings a whole light to the Monday, like a second sunrise in the day, And like a summer river joyously flowing after heavy showers, washing all the reminiscences in the course, bring the unexpected sediments. [Read More]

A tall stout tree

A stout, straight tree, tallest in the park, no grass surrounding the tree, dogs urinate on it, children play ‘touch me’ game around the tree, lovers rest on the trunk and talk all day, families sit in a circle and eat food, crows feed on the litter, photographer clicks a cute standing next to the tree, bibliophile lays beneath the tree reading ‘White nights,’ long ago a bird dropped the seed, the seed started growing in the night. [Read More]

Fruits of the park

The unnamed bird’s chirp
The squirrels run down from the tree
The puppies play in the grass
The public circle inside the park
The families relax beneath the shades of the tree
The kids’ cycle around the park
A blind man walks alone.

Flying in the night

I fly in the night Like the bird questing for the nest. I see the dispersed clouds in the blue sky Like the freedom to roam. I scrap the papers in the street Like cleaning the heart. I fell asleep and woke up Like a security guard in the gate. I feel I found a purpose of life Like the howling street dog in the night. [Read More]

Working to escape feelings

When the new year sun shines on the grass, it’s a next number in the common era, It is a continuation of yesterday. The biological aging process continues, Deaths increases, Deceased don’t wake up from the coffin, And sit in the weary stone bench And contemplate is time linear in the earth? On a sunny afternoon, In the middle of a traffic jam, Tens of bots, and automatons, send you the birthday wishes. [Read More]

Lonely world

It’s a lonely world Even your sleep is sold There is no one to hold Everything you touch is cold. It’s dark inside and bright outside Thousands of friends in the network But no one to share the table Like a single flower vase. Like withered leaves, the life changes the color, to decrease the living will, And fly high to cover the dead. Absorb all the knowledge Like light falling on a plant, Keep swallowing till you can, And finally, call it off when you’re full. [Read More]

The shadow of the tired

In slow-moving traffic,
A Fast beating heart,
Unsettling eyes,
Starting at the screen,
Devoid of curiosity,
Scared of old feeling rising,
All vehicles are still on the road,
Questioning the decision to travel,
There falls a shadow of wasted life.

Leaving no trace

The daily food was tasteless, It was edible and not a waste, Then I stuck to fruits, And it shook the juice inside me. The vision was clear with an aid, I never saw a place to land, Everyone strolled hand in hand, The crowd moved with a dread, Without a final destination to end. The words were all in the space, Traveled out of place, All the words were in my mind, I lived in an echo chamber. [Read More]

What is a new year?

What is a new year? The continuation of time without any significance. What is a new year? A way to cheat oneself with ignorance, The days will be better, All the worries will disappear, The new light will spread happiness. What is a new year? Logic and reason less way to Pin faith on the future foolishly. What is a new year? Continue the same old finite recurring thoughts throughout the year. [Read More]